Act of 20 july 2018 - Law of the Higher Eduaction and Science predicts two paths for gaining PhD degree. The first one is The Doctoral School and the second one is extramural path (pending trial)
The Doctoral School was created on 1 October 2019 with the following disciplines:
1. Automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologies
2. Mechanical engineering
3. Civil engineering, geodesy and transportation
4. Architecture and urban planning
5. Economics and finance
6. Information and communication technology
7. Health sciences
8. Environmental engineering, mining and energy
From year 2023, the education in our doctoral school will also be carried out in the following disciplines:
9. Physical culture science
10. Management and quality studies
International supervision of the doctoral school is carried out by the International supervision of the doctoral school is carried out by the International Scientific Advisory Board.
On December 12, 2022, the Interdisciplinary Council of Opole University of Technology elected members of the International Scientific Advisory Board, which includes:
- prof. Simon Barrans - University of Huddersfield, UK
- prof. Paul Bere - Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- prof. Andres Bustillo - Department of Civil Engineering, University of Burgos, Spain
- prof. Somnath Chattopadhyaya - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad, India
- prof. Thomas G. Mathia - École Centrale de Lyon, France
- prof. Sergej Hloch - Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
- prof. Орест Кочан - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
- prof. Drazan Kozak - Mechanical Engineering Faculty at the University of Slavonski Brod, Croatia
- prof. Angelos Markopoulos - School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
- prof. Radek Martinek - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
- prof. Richard McMahon - Unversity of Warwick, UK
- prof. Alessandro Ruggiero - Department of Industrial Engineering, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy
- prof. Murat Sarikaya - Sinop University Department of Mechanical Engineering, Turkey