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How to register in ORCID base?

ORCID is international system for identyfying scientific authors. The system consists of 16 digits divided into 4 parts, stored in HTTP URL form (for example: The system contains a short scientist description (biography, key words, author’s institution or web site, identyfiers in other systems). In addiction, we could see list of publications, projects and grants from this scientist.

The ORCID registry is free of charge.

It is possible to connect your own profiles with ORCID: Scopus (Author ID) and Web of Science (Researcher ID), to allow automatic data exchange and create a cohorent whole.

Obligation to register

Participants of Doctoral School are obligated to create ORCID identyfier and connect it with PBN in 30 days from the date of beginning education in Doctoral School.

The Message about assumption the identyfier have to be report in Office for Science Affairs.

How to register in ORCID base?

You can find some instructions here