Start Page Opole University of Technology Doctoral School

Dear Candidates,

Recruitment for the doctoral school for the academic year 2024/2025 is conducted in the IRK system (the date of opening and closing of registration is determined by the schedule)

Link do the system: On-line Recruitment of Candidates (

1. The recruitment procedure consists of two stages.

2. In the first stage of the recruitment procedure, the individual applying for admission to the doctoral school registers online, in accordance with the schedule of the recruitment procedure in the Internet Registration of Candidates, hereinafter referred to as IRK. Registration in IRK is valid provided:

1) the data required by IRK is entered;

2) a scientific discipline is selected;

3) photo for the doctoral ID in JPG or PNG format, with dimensions of at least 500 x 625 pixels is submitted, however, in the case of files with higher resolutions, similar proportions should be maintained. The photo should be taken in accordance with the requirements applicable to photos required for ID;

4) copies of the documents listed below are provided :

a) a diploma or a copy of a diploma confirming the completion of studies at the master's level or equivalent with a supplement, or a diploma or a copy of a diploma of first-cycle studies or confirmation of completion of the third year of uniform master's studies in the case of persons referred to in § 4 section 2, or - if they completed their course outside Poland, a diploma of completion of studies together with a translation into Polish by a sworn translator, or a certificate of recognition of the equivalence of the diploma with the appropriate Polish diploma of completion of studies and a professional title through the nostrification procedure, or - in the case of persons referred to in § 4 section 2 of the positive opinion referred to in § 4 section 5,

b) curriculum vitae (CV) with certificates, certificates of participation in training, conferences and others,

c) an outline about the initial concept of the research direction, the state of knowledge regarding the research topic, projected results 5 and current scientific achievements, signed by the candidate for supervisor,

d) information containing a proposal of a person or persons to act as a supervisor and/or auxiliary supervisor and declarations of these persons on their readiness to take up the function of a supervisor or auxiliary supervisor, according to the template constituting Appendix No.1,

e) information about competence in foreign languages , confirmed by language certificates or a supplement to the diploma of completion of studies,

f) statement by the candidate regarding not having been removed from the list of doctoral students of the doctoral school due to a negative result of the periodic or mid-term evaluation. In justified cases related to unforeseen circumstances, with the additional consent of the Vice-Rector for Science and Development, the declaration may be waived; in such a case, the consent of the Vice-Rector for Science and Development is attached

3. An individual applying for admission to a doctoral school may also submit to the IRK the following information:

a) list of publications, if applicable,

b) other documents proving predisposition to scientific or implementation work, including work in scientific circles; membership in scientific organizations or associations; list of completed courses, postgraduate studies; participation in internships; granted grants and scholarships; participation in scientific or industry conferences and delivered papers; granted patents or utility models, patent applications; participation in the implementation of a product, technology or technological process, studies or expertise, as well as expert and other qualifications.

4. In the event any deficiencies are found in the documents submitted via IRK, the missing documents are requested to be completed, with an indication of the method and deadline for completing them.

5. After completing the registration in IRK, as part of the first stage of the recruitment procedure, the results of the first stage of the recruitment procedure are announced on the individual accounts of persons applying for admission to the doctoral school in IRK.


In addition to the above-mentioned documents, the candidate may apply to the rector for accommodation in the student house. 

If the candidate is qualified the next stage is a recruitment interview.

!Recruitment rules and attachments!